
A Car for.Meditation?

Many people use their car for the transport of goods and passengers.... I would like to share another application!  I believe achieving a pleasurable drive can provide a great moment of inner calm and euphoria ;-) Driving for myself over 800.000kms of "road trips" I have encountered this spontaneous pleasure of "meditative wheeling"!  The "Drive Recipe" is simply the following...... A Combination of ..... Being immersed in forward movement Visual stimulation The melodic aounds of the tires & motor  Plus! The occasional adrenaline jolt! Happy Travels and Hope you Find Your own  Wheeling Moment of Calm!! Namaste, Michael Sands 

New LiveStream YouTube TRX classes daily!

YouTube Channel:   michaelsandsyoga7809  With TRX CrossFit Suspension Training system you can work out anywhere!  Even strapped into a car door or a tree!! Come and join me for creative and varied workout spots daily!  

LiveStream Meditation Shares now on YouTube:-)

YouTube Channel:  michaelsandsyoga7809 Happily settled now in Ella, Sri Lanka! I will be sharing LiveStream guided meditation sequences from the Mountainside Skyscape :-) Namaste, Michael Sands

Forced Air = Forced Breath?

Hello this is a personal experience that I wish to share regarding the heating systems that can be found across the United States. .    These are forced air ducts normally found in the floors and receiving their heat element usually from a gas boiler.  The subject is that these ducts and heaters have to be cleaned!  Otherwise many people like myself could be suffering needlessly a dust cloud of allergens in their own home or living space!!       As a result of this experience I am almost a month now with both nostrils blocked!  Making yoga, meditation, on-line classes and Pranayama almost impossible!        Typically the yogic method of a Shatkarma called Netti using a warm water solution in a pot and passing through the nostrilsl a stream of water is generally a very good solution!  In my case I have added hot showers with a forward bend to fill the nose, plus on the mat seated in Thunderbolt, Padhas...

Restorative Yoga on Lake Shafer Docks

Just uploaded today to YouTube! A very gentle all levels yoga sequence on the lake in Monticello, Indiana!   Here is the Link: Yoga on the Lake with Michael Sands YouTube Channel   michaelsandsyoga7809 Namaste! :-) Michael Sands Happy Sunrise Yoga 

Meditation Plate Share

This is a very personal share that perhaps can be understood by many without even mentioning.  In any case I felt inspired as I am taking a Tantra Course and one of the first lectures elaborates on the need to have a meditation space and 5 items as an offering for the deities that one is guiding their thoughts to!   The suggested practice includes, water, candles, flowers, sandal paste, incense & fruit.  I believe it is acceptable practice to amplify the focus by including additional items that augement a strong emotional centering.  Therefore on my plate I have added 2 Buddha's with the corresponding coins which are customary, plus the cup with the water has a faded but raised lettering of the number "13" which has always been a positive numeration for me.  Then there is the very first shoe my son wore, a photo of skateboarding and a photo of Yoginanda a person whom I highly respect and is author of  "Autobiography of a Yogi".  ...

Where to find a Techno Yoga Studio?

Sharing photos from what appears to be "THE Mecca of Techno Yoga!" in Budapest, Hungary!  Looks fantastic!! Definitely planning a trip there soon!! 🤗🎧🎶✨🔊❤️‍🔥 See their Instagram Page for Dates & Events!! @technoyoga.official