Forced Air = Forced Breath?
Hello this is a personal experience that I wish to share regarding the heating systems that can be found across the United States. . These are forced air ducts normally found in the floors and receiving their heat element usually from a gas boiler. The subject is that these ducts and heaters have to be cleaned! Otherwise many people like myself could be suffering needlessly a dust cloud of allergens in their own home or living space!! As a result of this experience I am almost a month now with both nostrils blocked! Making yoga, meditation, on-line classes and Pranayama almost impossible! Typically the yogic method of a Shatkarma called Netti using a warm water solution in a pot and passing through the nostrilsl a stream of water is generally a very good solution! In my case I have added hot showers with a forward bend to fill the nose, plus on the mat seated in Thunderbolt, Padhasana with the hands under the armpits (thumbs out and upwards) for many min