
Showing posts from March, 2024

Activating Chakras with Techno Music :-)

Music and mantras are an integrated part of Yogic Practices as they can assist in activating and enegizing the Prana in one's body!  I have been experimenting with a specific playlist of EDM music and applying a specific song for each Chakra!  The internal journey and experience has been very positive!! Therefore I am sharing the playlist here and will endeavour to share further ideas about each song's relation with a specific Chakra :-)  See Video soon!  :-) In addition I plan to give a guided meditation sequence Livestream on the YouTube Michael Sands Yoga Channel! @michaelsandsyoga7809

Pleasure for Self. Pradyahara Yogic Practice

Yoga is not just abstinence from the spices of life!  Yes there is actually a practice encouraging the pursuit of pleasures so that one can achieve a satiated and calm mind allowing for a deeper practice!  I will be further explaining and exploring this concept here on what I hope to be a.daily basis!  :-)  (Tip Top Hotel Veggie Burger)

Yoga Video Blog

Announcing a new playlist on the Michael Sands YouTube channel! @michaelsandsyiga7809 Please visit my channel as I will be adding a daily LiveStream of a few minutes each day sharing daily life "yoga" style self care ideas for longer health and better quality of living while we are on this physical plane of existence!  :-)

Sustainable Body & Daily Choices to Live Longer

I will be adding entries to this BlogSpot as of now on a regular basis to share ideas about how to keep the body working and responsive for when we want to be active! 

Daily Yoga Self Maintenance Share

Here I will share some daily "yogic" routines that can be helpful in preventing medical visits and discomforts over the long term!