
Showing posts from 2024

Music, Mantras & Meditation with Techno

Music and mantras are an integrated part of Yogic Practices as they can assist in activating and enegizing the Prana in one's body!  I have been experimenting with a specific playlist of EDM music and applying a specific song for each Chakra!  The internal journey and experience has been very positive!! Therefore I am sharing the playlist here and will endeavour to share further ideas about each song's relation with a specific Chakra :-)  You can find video clips on my YouTube channel @michaelsandsyoga7809 indicating the song for each Chakra. Here is the Chakra Playlist!   :-) The first sequence focuses on the Root Chakra with a song by DJ Korolova "Gravity" @KOROLOVADJ YouTube Short Root Chakra The second sequence focuses on the Sacral Chakra with a song by DJ Miss Monique "Subterranean feat. Luna"  @djmissmonique YouTube Short Sacral Chakra The third sequence focuses on the Solar Plexus Chakra with a song by DJ Lilly Palmer "F

Why I Love YouTube :-) A few Positive Ideas About Social Media

See LiveStream or On-Demand on YouTube of course !  @michaelsandsyoga7809 Recently someone made a comment to me that becoming famous or monetizing a YouTube channel is like winning the lottery!! I concur with this opinion BUT all the same see I the REAL REWARD is available NOW to everyone with an internet connection and way better than any Financial Gain!!  What are the 2 HUGE Gifts Social Media has given us for FREE? Digital Legacy - Memories, Photos, Events can be passed down by family generations to share the progress and the evolutions of our daily life before we become titled as "ancestors" ;-) Knowledge Transfer - We can leave informative takes on life, wisdom and even specific work or recreation "how to guides" to our descendants and future fellow humans on this planet!  Maybe we even share experiences that can give the next generation an evolutionary jump forwards whilst avoiding a repetition of any missteps!  

Activating Chakras with Techno Music :-)

Music and mantras are an integrated part of Yogic Practices as they can assist in activating and enegizing the Prana in one's body!  I have been experimenting with a specific playlist of EDM music and applying a specific song for each Chakra!  The internal journey and experience has been very positive!! Therefore I am sharing the playlist here and will endeavour to share further ideas about each song's relation with a specific Chakra :-)  See Video soon!  :-) In addition I plan to give a guided meditation sequence Livestream on the YouTube Michael Sands Yoga Channel! @michaelsandsyoga7809

Pleasure for Self. Pradyahara Yogic Practice

Yoga is not just abstinence from the spices of life!  Yes there is actually a practice encouraging the pursuit of pleasures so that one can achieve a satiated and calm mind allowing for a deeper practice!  I will be further explaining and exploring this concept here on what I hope to be a.daily basis!  :-)  (Tip Top Hotel Veggie Burger)

Yoga Video Blog

Announcing a new playlist on the Michael Sands YouTube channel! @michaelsandsyiga7809 Please visit my channel as I will be adding a daily LiveStream of a few minutes each day sharing daily life "yoga" style self care ideas for longer health and better quality of living while we are on this physical plane of existence!  :-)

Sustainable Body & Daily Choices to Live Longer

I will be adding entries to this BlogSpot as of now on a regular basis to share ideas about how to keep the body working and responsive for when we want to be active! 

Daily Yoga Self Maintenance Share

Here I will share some daily "yogic" routines that can be helpful in preventing medical visits and discomforts over the long term!   

Photo Album Day!! :-)

I believe many people have the same experience that when you take your SD card out of your phone the precious photos and videos you have somehow become forgotten in a draw or cabinet!  So on that basis this Blog Entry today is simply a collage of what I believe to be some nice "yogic style" pics to share! Enjoy and do the same!  Blogspot is a free service and works very well as a journal or documentary a bit more discreetly than FB!  ;-) Namaste, Michael Sands

Staying Active with Chair Yoga!

Accessible Yoga for Everyone! Chair Yoga is suitable for all ages and levels of practice! Special focus on synchronisation of the breath with each technique shared on the Michael Sands YouTube Channel! Yoga can revitalize the body so we can stay active and also counter the effects of long office or driving fatigue!   @michaelsandsyoga7809

Maha Bandha to Prevent, Overcome & Recover from Cancer or Other Diseases

YouTube Channel: michaelsabdsyoga7809 A friend of mine recently revealed that they have reproductive organ cancer and require an operation. Initially I thought to just make this video private but Yoga is about Sharing! And I hope that others will find this carefully outlaid practice useful for fortalizing one's internal organs and entire body!

Sunrise Morning Meditation Dedication to Friends :-)

I uploaded the following Meditation Share on YouTube as I wanted to share the idea that with meditation we can travel using memories to re-immerse in nice moments we have shared with close doing so we open the door to new beautiful moments to become possible...this can be gently pushed into fruition by just by making a special focus on the recall's upward positive emotional wave...  Happy Travels :-) See this Video and more on my YouTube Channel... michaelsandsyoga7809

Birthday Time Reflections :-)

At an attempt to gracefully pass ahead another year I made a small catch phrase of " 34 or 52 ?" to celebrate the calendar flip ;-) The significance being the 34" is actually my most recently measured waist size (this is notable since it is the same from 30 years ago!!) So yes that said the 52 is the age....which I am happy to share and say that with Yoga and Meditation I forsee 200 more of these occasions still on the horizon!  :-) Here is a timid selfie of the 52 year old yogi in his 34" waist jeans!   I confess that when I purchased them I was not even aware they were "Super-Slim" fit! and I really don't even know on what occasion I might wear them!!   :-o LOL... Namaste, Michael Sands  .....By the way!! These jeans are great for headstands!! :-)

Cinnamon & Citronella Oil vs. Winged Distractions

Cinnamon Oil Life Lesson...Practical preparations for a calm and enjoyable meditation practice are essential!  Today I forgot the most basic of preparations and found myself at the beach without the protection of Cinnamon or Citronella Oil!  So the mosquitoes became my real life "Vritti" and after a few rounds of Maha Bandha (The Great Lock) I returned to my room to finish my practice.,..

Aeriel Yoga Classes on the Way!! Thailand Go!

Soon to be added to the Michael Sands YouTube channel.... Aeriel Yoga Classes! @michaelsandsyoga7809 This month a journey to Thailand for an intense Aeriel Yoga Certification Course at ULU Yoga Teaching Centre!!  Very excited to learn new yoga postures and sequences suspended in the air!! And I will be sure to share online some fun & safe practice techniques upon completion of the course! Namaste, Michael Sands 

TechnoYoga LiveStream Now on YouTube

@michaelsandsyoga7809 your YouTube channel for Free Livestream & On-Demand Techno Yoga Classes!  You can join Avanti Goyola & Michael Sands online or at the Jungle Shala at Arana Eco Lodge & Yoga Retreat in Ella, Sri Lanka :-)

Travelling Meditation Ideas

Meditation is a daily practice that is best realised at the same time and location each day. That being understood obviously sometimes travel is necessary and we must adapt to the situation!  So just to share my idea of how to choose a hotel....;-) a beach or country side location could be ideal on the sand or a terrace!  But in the urban landscapes it can be more challenging!  That is why I make an effort to filter and search for city centre hotels with a roof terrace or roof terrace with a pool!  These areas are usually ideal as few guests are there at 5am and you can be assured of a clean and safe surroundings with the fewest of distractions!  Hope this "filter" search idea for travelling is a nice share with anyone reading this!! Happy Travels & Namaste, Michael Sands