Forced Air = Forced Breath?

Hello this is a personal experience that I wish to share regarding the heating systems that can be found across the United States.
.    These are forced air ducts normally found in the floors and receiving their heat element usually from a gas boiler.  The subject is that these ducts and heaters have to be cleaned!  Otherwise many people like myself could be suffering needlessly a dust cloud of allergens in their own home or living space!! 
     As a result of this experience I am almost a month now with both nostrils blocked!  Making yoga, meditation, on-line classes and Pranayama almost impossible!  
     Typically the yogic method of a Shatkarma called Netti using a warm water solution in a pot and passing through the nostrilsl a stream of water is generally a very good solution!  In my case I have added hot showers with a forward bend to fill the nose, plus on the mat seated in Thunderbolt, Padhasana with the hands under the armpits (thumbs out and upwards) for many minutes on end to unblock the nasal passages by balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve systems using this posture!  And finally the most curious of all things that I have yogically applied is the Maha Banhda, as it can be achieved with just an inhale via one or both nostrils!  After 9 or 12 rounds of Maha.Bandha I can breathe again and find myself resolute to stay out of the house!!
    Other solutions??  A humidifier....
This humidifier has been of help in reducing the dust cloud from the vents and keep the nose, throat and eyes from overdrying due to the hot air heat!
    So in summary the breath is ever so important and what motivated me to write this more than to lament my tale was hearing yesterday from a Taxi, Lyft driver that he sleeps in his chair in the winter at home because otherwise he cannot breath!!  In the USA we are very responsive to treating colds and poor health with medicines but perhaps something so simple as changing to dry radiator heat, radiante floors or simply cleaning a hot air duct system could improve and benefit everyones quality of breath!!  
Michael Sands


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