
Restorative Yoga on Lake Shafer Docks

Just uploaded today to YouTube! A very gentle all levels yoga sequence on the lake in Monticello, Indiana!   Here is the Link: Yoga on the Lake with Michael Sands YouTube Channel   michaelsandsyoga7809 Namaste! :-) Michael Sands Happy Sunrise Yoga 

Meditation Plate Share

This is a very personal share that perhaps can be understood by many without even mentioning.  In any case I felt inspired as I am taking a Tantra Course and one of the first lectures elaborates on the need to have a meditation space and 5 items as an offering for the deities that one is guiding their thoughts to!   The suggested practice includes, water, candles, flowers, sandal paste, incense & fruit.  I believe it is acceptable practice to amplify the focus by including additional items that augement a strong emotional centering.  Therefore on my plate I have added 2 Buddha's with the corresponding coins which are customary, plus the cup with the water has a faded but raised lettering of the number "13" which has always been a positive numeration for me.  Then there is the very first shoe my son wore, a photo of skateboarding and a photo of Yoginanda a person whom I highly respect and is author of  "Autobiography of a Yogi".   This blog entry

Where to find a Techno Yoga Studio?

Sharing photos from what appears to be "THE Mecca of Techno Yoga!" in Budapest, Hungary!  Looks fantastic!! Definitely planning a trip there soon!! 🤗🎧🎶✨🔊❤️‍🔥 See their Instagram Page for Dates & Events!! @technoyoga.official

Techno Yoga Vinyasa Returns Soon!! @goburnalong ❤️‍🔥✨💪🧘🏻

After 6 weeks recovering from a Surgery!! :-( The😎 Techno 🎶Yoga 🎧Vinyasa 🔊series will return at Platform of Live & On-Demand Yoga & Wellness Classed!!  A few photos to share meanwhile;-) .....(and a huge thanks to Arana Eco Lodge, Ella whom organised Nicolo the Super Photographer!!! 🤗) Nicolo Instagram @yakashi_9_

Celibacy or Imperminance?

Celibacy or Imperminance? Which is easier? Unbeknownst to me I have fallen onto the yogic path of celibacy more than a year ago! This experience has lead me to make some interesting observations which I have decided to share here in this Blog entry today!  Basically for myself I can now understand the focus of Brahamayana or sublimation of sexual energy for spiritual pursuits!  It is not just the energy that dissaptes the moment that an orgasim occurs! ... But rather it is my belief the savings of mental stanima by avoiding the repitious cycle of unaccepted impermanence between couples!  What happens many times is the intimate pleasure between two persons can instill a desire or "greed" to keep this pleasure somehow for ourselves!  Hence why partners become obsessive or jealous which are in my opinion two of the most destructive emotions that corse through the veins of mankind!  Hence it is almost "easier" to avoid the entire subject and.all.of the juxta

Techno Music Maha Bandha - Innovative Class Share! @goburnalong

>>Techno Music! Adding Tunes & Rythm to your practice!! Enjoy Health Benefits such as Improved Intimate Relationship Health!... Rejuvenation of every Cell in the Body! ....along with impeding any degenerative diseases and even the body's aging process! Music & Maha Bandha!!.= The Great Lock with Pulsing Perineal Contractions :-) Always looking for ideas to share and new Meditation or Asana Sequences ;-) In this class we will integrate Maha Bandha = The Great Lock with Techno Music!! This Bandha is essentially the combination of the 3 Bandhas! >> The Throat Lock, Perineal/Cervix Contraction and the Abdominal Contraction all at once! Therefore you have the benefits of these 3 Bandhas plus some key additional positive additions to the list! The Maha Bandha affects the secretions of the pineal gland which regulates the endocrine system. And highly noteworthy this Bandha is cited to be capable.of stopping degenerative diseases and the agi

The Four Yogic Bandhas : New Class Offered Live or On-Demand @goburnalong

Bandhas in Yoga Practice are used to unblock the free flow of Prana (energy) along the Sushumna Nadi. There are essentially 3 "Psychic Knots" called "Granthis" that can be transcended by the use of Bandhas. >>The first "Granthi" is "Brahama" it is located at the base Chakras Mooladhara & Swadhisthasina. It is linked with the survival instinct, urge to procreate, deep instinctive knowledge, awareness and desire! When the Brahama Granthi is transcended the primal energy = Kundalini can rise above the Chakras and this aids in avoiding attractions and personality. >>The second "Granthi" is "Vishnu" it is associated with the Manipura and Anahata Chakras. The Manipura Chakra is key to the energy, digestion and metabolism in the body. Anahata Chakra is the heart and emotions.  When the Vishnu Granthi is transcended one is no longer bound by physical, mental and emotional attachments.  >>The third