Celibacy or Imperminance?

Celibacy or Imperminance? Which is easier?
Unbeknownst to me I have fallen onto the yogic path of celibacy more than a year ago!
This experience has lead me to make some interesting observations which I have decided to share here in this Blog entry today!  Basically for myself I can now understand the focus of Brahamayana or sublimation of sexual energy for spiritual pursuits!  It is not just the energy that dissaptes the moment that an orgasim occurs! ... But rather it is my belief the savings of mental stanima by avoiding the repitious cycle of unaccepted impermanence between couples!  What happens many times is the intimate pleasure between two persons can instill a desire or "greed" to keep this pleasure somehow for ourselves!  Hence why partners become obsessive or jealous which are in my opinion two of the most destructive emotions that corse through the veins of mankind!  Hence it is almost "easier" to avoid the entire subject and.all.of the juxtaposed variables attached to pleasurable physical relationships! 
 But I am optimistic that with the correct information and internal reconditioning we as humans are capable of adapting and accepting our constant state of impermanence and change!  Once this is achieved it is a very liberating feeling as a weighted self-inflicted pressure is removed!  We simply have to adapt to the idea that we wish our partner or other half complete happiness and fulfillment in this life before our own! By raising to this standard an impartial and liberated love we come closer to.embracing the universal collectiveness of everything and forget about ego-centred desires to control others around us by loving everyone equally and unconditionally!!  Easier said than done clearly so each person must assess what path or.way.of.life is most suitable.  But hopefully this blog entry has been.useful.in.stimulating some thought on a subject that doesn't get so much attention in a yoga class but is an imperative force in almost everyone's life!


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