Material Freedom

A close friend of mine Leslie once said to me ..... "I am so happy to be "broke"!! This means I have no money and I feel free!....."
This statement to me in its moment that I heard it over 20 years ago I grasped mildly and understood.  But now with passing of time and life experience I herald this observation as being a Sage Truth!  
We enter this world with nothing...we leave this physical body with nothing.... So to go through life in the same state with objectives beyond the material such as teaching, coexistence in harmony and spiritual objectives are actually attainable ideals.  One just has to be open to the possibilities and choose to avoid the illusions of material pursuits.  An object or item precious to us or others is not capable of taking us beyond a momentary lustre of contentment.  Knowing oneself and finding inner happines with one's connectedness and coexistence with the universe requires no currency just a beautiful internal journey.


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