The Four Yogic Bandhas : New Class Offered Live or On-Demand @goburnalong

Bandhas in Yoga Practice are used to unblock the free flow of Prana (energy) along the Sushumna Nadi.
There are essentially 3 "Psychic Knots" called "Granthis" that can be transcended by the use of Bandhas.
>>The first "Granthi" is "Brahama" it is located at the base Chakras Mooladhara & Swadhisthasina. It is linked with the survival instinct, urge to procreate, deep instinctive knowledge, awareness and desire!
When the Brahama Granthi is transcended the primal energy = Kundalini can rise above the Chakras and this aids in avoiding attractions and personality.
>>The second "Granthi" is "Vishnu" it is associated with the Manipura and Anahata Chakras. The Manipura Chakra is key to the energy, digestion and metabolism in the body. Anahata Chakra is the heart and emotions. 
When the Vishnu Granthi is transcended one is no longer bound by physical, mental and emotional attachments. 
>>The third "Granthi" is "Rudra" it is associated with the Vishuddhi and Ajna Chakras. This is the area of the higher intuitive, mental body.
When the Vishuddhi Granthi is transcended individuality is dropped and ideas and concepts transform to a universal prospective. Ego is left behind and replaced with unmanifest consciousness. The emergence beyond the phenomenal universe hereby occurs and thus emerges as the Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras.
>>Four Key Bandhas for Yoga Practice
Jalandhara = Throat Lock : Compresses Cartid Sinuses and reduces heart rate during breath retention allowing for a longer hold period. Relieves stress and anxiety and develops meditative introversion. Additionally the stimulus on the throat balances the thyroid and metabolism!
Moola Bandha = Perineum/Cervix Contraction : Can be practiced in unison with the the other Bandhas such as the aforementioned throat lock Jalandhara Banda and the abdominal lock Uddiyana Bandha. The benefits of Moola Bandha are numerous! It stimulates the pelvic nerves thereby toning the uro-genital and excretory systems. This Bandha can assist against diseases while also promoting good health and relieving depression. Moola Banha realigns the bodies of the physical, mental and psychic to allow Spiritual Awakening! And as a final noted positive point this Bandha can aid in the sublimation or redirection of Sexual Energy = Bramacharya <OR!....> it can benefit marital relations ... To say specifically improving sexual encounters between couples!
Uddiyana Bandha = Abdominal Contraction. Can be practiced in unison with the the other Bandhas such as the aforementioned throat lock Jalahandra Bandha and the perineal/cervix lock Moola Bandha. This Bandha benefits the abdomen and all of the organs related to disgestion such as the pancreas and liver. It increases the digestive fire and also balances the adrenal glands thereby reducing lethargy or tiredness. This Bandha also on a physical level improves blood circulation in the entire torso and mentally it soothes anxiety and tension. On a spiritual level the abdominal contraction also has an effect of creating suction pressure on the energies of apana and prana thereby allowing them to unite with samana and stimulate the Manipura Chakra. 
Maha Bandha = The Great Lock. This Bandha is essentially the combination of the 3 Bandhas! >> The Throat Lock, Perineal/Cervix Contraction and the Abdominal Contraction all at once! Therefore you have the benefits of these 3 Bandhas plus some key additional positive additions to the list! The Maha Bandha affects the secretions of the pineal gland which regulates the endocrine system. And highly noteworthy this Bandha is cited to be capable.of stopping degenerative diseases and the aging process!! When practicing this Bandha every cell of the body is rejuvenated! When perfected it can fully awaken the main Chakras! It also introverts the mind before meditation and leads to the merger of Prana, apana and samana in the Manipura Chakras 


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